Poet's Day@21st August

Poetry, also known as verse, is a type of literature that utilises sound and images to express ideas and feelings. There are various types of poetry, from haikus, limericks, riddles, sonnets and so on. Poetry a long history, dating back to prehistoric times. Devices such as assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia and rhythm are sometimes used to achieve musical effects. Similarly figures of speech such as metaphor and simile help to create images.
Fun Facts:
1. The earliest form of poetry was called epic poems.
2. The oldest written poem, believed to be 4,000 years old, is the Epic of Gilgamesh originating from Babylon. It tells the story of a king named Gilgamesh, who was half-god and half-man.
3. The earliest poetry is believed to have been recited or sung.
4. William Shakespeare has written more than 400 poems.
5. George MacDonald (1824-1905) wrote a two-word poem called ‘The Shortest and Sweetest of Songs’. It simply reads: ‘Come Home.’
2. The oldest written poem, believed to be 4,000 years old, is the Epic of Gilgamesh originating from Babylon. It tells the story of a king named Gilgamesh, who was half-god and half-man.
3. The earliest poetry is believed to have been recited or sung.
4. William Shakespeare has written more than 400 poems.
5. George MacDonald (1824-1905) wrote a two-word poem called ‘The Shortest and Sweetest of Songs’. It simply reads: ‘Come Home.’
The best way to celebrate poet’s day is to pick up a pen
and become a poet. Let me try.
Every day a task begins,
Every day a task ends,
Everyone’s bright daytime will come,
Everyone will have a dark night.
Today is a day for poetry,
Today we should appreciate it.
Every day a task ends,
Everyone’s bright daytime will come,
Everyone will have a dark night.
Today is a day for poetry,
Today we should appreciate it.
So let’s all say,
Happy poet’s day!!!!!
Happy poet’s day!!!!!
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